Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Humira Rocks

So after 11 years of battling Crohn's I have finally found something keeping it under control. I have spent years puffed up and moonfaced on prednisone, taking 16 asacols a day, etc. I tried Remicade and had a horrible allergic reaction during the infusion (we are talking major hives and inflammation). That led to getting pumped up with steroids, antibiotics, and benadryl thogh the IV. Fun. I was really bummed because the doctor had high hopes for that one.

I was set to join a clinical trial for Adalimumab (sold as Humira), but the day before I was to start it got approved by the FDA. After a huge waste of paperwork for the trial, the insurance company denied the drug because it was so new its main use is not for Crohn's disease. Well, after 4 needles during the loading period (subdermal), and then 2 every 2 weeks, I am now on 1 every 2 weeks. The needles are nothing, but the medicine itself STINGS unbelievably bad. I both dread and look forward to those shots of Humira every two weeks (I am an adreniline junky, so I somehow play that in mentally to get through). Anyhow, my Crohn's is under control and I am happy. Stay tuned for some content to help out fellow chronies. By the way, I have ZERO affiliation with Humira, or whoever makes it (I think it is British company).

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